Jose Sanchez

Software Developer

Certified web developer with proficiency in both backend and frontend stacks. Experienced leader and team player with exposure to many industries from logistics to entertainment. Easily adaptable to team situations and able to seemlessly shift to being autonomous with little to no supervision. Winner mentality and hungry for continued learning and teaching.

Jose Sanchez Smiling


C sharp logoC# Language
Python logoPython
html iconHTML
JavaScript LogoJavaScript
SQL server iconSQL


Below are some projects which I have built using mostly the C# language. I have also begun working with Python and developing my FrontEnd skills to meet a Full Stack development demand. Please feel free to reach out with questions or browse my entire GitHub Here.

Cryptid Zoo Site

ASP.Net MVC Framework based project that allows the user to create a new comment or update/delete it. Comments are stored in a SQL database.

    Project Overview
  • Project created with ASP.NET MVC framework to build out C# code which sends queries to SQL database
  • HTML code used to stored information provide by C# code and SQL into tables for app user
  • Integrated SQL with ASP.NET MVC using C# and the Dapper NuGet package
  • CSS and Bootstrap used to style buttons, fonts and picture layout within the application
Github Link
Video Walkthrough

Taco Parser

C# .Net Core application utilizing xUnit test driven development and Geolocator NuGet Package to determine which Taco Bells in the provided CSV are the furthest apart from one another.

    Project Overview
  • Geolocation NuGet package library used within C# code to parse and compare distances between Taco Bell location within the .NET Core framework using Visual Studio Community
  • xUnit tests created to verify methods within C# and parsing the correct information from Taco Bell location CSV
  • Utilizing nested for loops concept within C#, program successfully iterates through all locations and returns the two Taco Bells further from each other in distance
Github Link
Video Walkthrough

Dino Facts API MVC Project

C# ASP.NET Core framework application that calls a random dinosaur fact from a public API. Application still in development.

    Project Overview
  • Using ASP.NET MVC framework to write C# code that calls an API with random dinosaur facts
  • Utilizing Newtonsoft.JSON NuGet package and C# code, the API information is converted from JSON into useable information within the .Net framework
  • HTML and CSS used to take information collected through C# code to present user with the dinosaur name and fact returned by the API while also setting up background image and font color
Github Link
Video Walkthrough

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